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So Nobel laureate Michael Beard assures us all of the the inevitability and consequences of global warming, in Ian McEwan's smart and hilarious new book Solar.
Sometimes I feel faintly embarrassed, spending all this time and energy on learning technology while doing nothing to contribute solutions to the world's most pressing problems: hunger, poverty, climate change etc. etc. Shouldn't we be talking about more important matters than Blackboard and the iPad?
I guess with a stretch we could argue that education is the key to progress, and advances in education are increasingly catalyzed by technology, ergo our work in educational technology is driving progress. Ridiculous, I know. We do what we do because nothing is more fun than working where learning and technology meet - if any improvements come out of our work then this is a nice benefit.
How do we get authors who are somewhere in the same ballpark of McEwan to turn their attention from global warming and theoretical physicists to educational technology and learning technologists? McEwan clearly studied up on his physics and climate change facts to write Solar, making the story of the 5 time divorced, seductive and corpulent Dr. Beard simultaneously fantastical and educational. We need a novelist to tell our story.
Any other readers of Solar out there?