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I heard a great idea from a faculty member today: lecture capture for prelims.

Apparently, students are making use of recorded lectures to prepare for prelim questions in specialized topics. The recorded lectures are golden; as the student can be pretty sure they will be able to focus on the topics and problems the professor on their prelim committee cares most about.

This is a new wrinkle on the uses of lecture capture. I’ve espoused lecture capture in the past as a tool to allow students to listen and participate in class, as opposed to furiously writing down notes. Lecture capture works well as a student review and study aid. For students that need to miss class, due to sports or illness, having the lectures available ensures that they can keep up in the class.

I’ve also promoted lecture capture as a great tool to change classroom dynamics. A professor can “pre-record” the lectures in her office, and have the students view the lecture before class. Students are required to submit questions about the lecture (using the LMS) a few hours before class time (holding the student accountable for the material while reinforcing the concepts), which the professor then uses as the basis for the in-class discussion. This method allows main points to be reiterated, while opening up space and time for more discussion.

But I’ve never heard of lecture capture as a tool for graduate students to prepare for their preliminary exams. Thinking back to my prelim experience, I think having recorded lectures in key subjects (from key professors) would have been enormously helpful. Yes, most grad courses are seminars - but certainly even the seminars had some lecture components. A recorded session that I could have reviewed on the demographic transition (to take one example from my exam) would have allowed me to stress the research and concepts that my professors were most interested in.

Do you have any other examples of innovative ways that your students or faculty are using lecture capture systems on your campus?

P.S. ... I don’t know about you - but I have put Tech Transfer: Science, Money, Love and the Ivory Tower on my “must read” list.

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