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Reasons to be thankful (read while humming Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 3):

Gwendolyn Beetham (New Brunswick, NJ, USA):  I am thankful for the relative safety and security of my current circumstances. I am thankful for my family - chosen and non - who love and support all of my life decisions. I am thankful for the work colleagues who inspire me, and for the students from whom I learn so much every day.

Lee Skallerup Bessette (Fredericksburg, VA, USA): I am thankful that I have choices and options. I am grateful for social media and the communities that I am now a part of because it, along with the ability to stay close to family and friends.  

Brenda Bethman (Kansas City, MO, USA): I’m thankful for a job that not only pays the bills, but provides meaningful work -- and for kitties, family, friends, and my recently-discovered love of yarn and knitting. And as Lee said, for social media communities, including my UVenus friends.

Mary Churchill (Boston, MA, USA): Family, friends, amazing city, neighbors, phenomenal community, students, faculty, ideas, hope, joy, optimism. Artists, musicians, writers, poets, dream-makers.

Denise M. Horn (Boston, MA, USA): I am thankful to have a loving and supportive community of family, friends and colleagues, and for my students who make my job so rewarding. And for all the dogs, children and new babies that have come into our lives!

Meg Palladino (New Haven, CT, USA): Thankful for family that is present and for those who have passed away, for food and a home with heat, for freedom and safety, for the opportunity to have gained an education, the ability to read and to breathe fresh air and drink clean water, laughter, sunshine, and health.

Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe (Evanston, IL, USA):  Thankful that my life presents choices and possibilities while others live constrained by want and war.

Natalie T. J. Tindall (Atlanta, GA, USA): Thankful for my family who love me in spite of myself; my friends who force me to get manicures, take downtime, and pursue my dreams; my students who inspire me to do better and be better. Forever thankful for  the job that allows me to do what I choose (in the academy and out of it); for books that transport me to new worlds and expose me to new ideas; for divine grace; and for a strong wifi signals, available plugs, air travel, hot chocolate, and prescription glasses.

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