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What’s New With Our Writers:
- Janni Aragon co-facilitated a workshop on iPads and iOthers for faculty and staff at University of Victoria (Dec 1st). Janni also organized the Academic Women’s Caucus annual wine and cheese and the women faculty and librarian enjoyed time to network and enjoy conversation after a busy term (Dec 6th).
- Melonie Fullick led a workshop on social media use for graduate students, in the York University Faculty of Education (November 29th).
- Rosalie Arcala Hall completed a field visit in Mahatao, Batanes (the Philippines’ northernmost island chain) from November 19-20 in line with the Asian Public Intellectual Regional Project in the same site. She participated in a Public Forum on Local Heritage, which was co-sponsored by Batanes District Representative Henedina Abad and she is currently revising a draft on the Tradition of Mataw Fishing as contribution to the regional project book slated to come out of publication in June 2012. Rosalie also attended the second workshop on the environment at University of the Philippines Diliman on November 21 and was invited to participate as Political Scientist to an inter-campus, multidisciplinary research proposal on water governance.
Our Writers At Other Blogs:
- Janni Aragon blogged about the Dec 6th Memorial and winding down the term. She also commented on the Canadian Brands of OWS and SlutWalk.
- Melonie Fullick continues the debate about definitions of “innovation” and knowledge at Speculative Diction Blog. Her article, “Should you enter the academic blogosphere?”, has been republished on the LSE Impact Blog site.
- Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe considers letting ourselves go.