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What would you like the word to be that captures 2012 for you?
Elizabeth Lewis Pardoe (US) Patience.  Patience:  I lack it, and I need it - right now!  ;)

Ana Dinescu (Germany) Continuity. For me, the word of the last months and the keyword for the next period is: continuity. I want to continue the projects I started and to continue to dedicate a precious amount of time for learning what I think is important for my personal development. I also want to continue writing and reading with the same dedication.

Meg Palladino (US) Serenity. After a lot of change in my life  in 2011, I am looking for some calm. I want to think about riding my bike, being healthy, peace, love and happiness.  I need a break from the stress of 2011. I hope that 2012 is a year of SERENITY.

Sarah Emily Duff (South Africa) Application. My word for 2012 will be ‘application’. Like many newly-qualified academics I’m in the midst of writing hundreds of job applications. We’re all acutely aware that there are more applicants than there are positions. I’m interested in the application of my various interests to my research: it makes for more interesting work, and I hope it’ll help me to stand out from other applicants. This is also a year for hard work: for application.

Denise Horn (US) Healing and Forgiveness. 2012 is going to be a year of change, transformations and challenges for me. This is the year I go through the tenure process, and my anxiety levels are already through the roof. But someone recently pointed out to me that big life changes are terrifying because they disrupt our expectations of our future. And I thought--what do I want my future to look like? I decided I want a future in which I am proud of my accomplishments, whether personal or professional, and I want to take care of myself on the way there. So, instead of beating myself up that I could have worked harder, been more self-promoting, taken on even more responsibilities, I am going to give myself a break this year. I'm going to let this be the year that I forgive myself for perceived failures, disappointments and emotional wounds. My words this year are "healing" and "forgiveness."

Ernesto Priego (UK) Yes. The word that best captures 2012 for me? Hopefully, it will be "YES!"

Lee Skallerup Bessette (US) Action. But I've already blogged about it here. Already taking action: I'm attending the New Faculty Majority conference on January 28th, as well as starting to work with the Editing Modernism in Canada (or EMiC).

Rosalie Arcala Hall (Philippines) No. Word for 2012 “No.” I always had trouble turning down requests for committee work, research collaboration or article contributions. I also tend not to pass on funding opportunities, even if it requires some substantial investment in putting the paperwork together. For 2012, I hope to have the wisdom to discern which offers yield more returns, the courage to say “no” to those that don’t and the maturity to accept foregone opportunity costs.

Mary Churchill (US) Convergence.  2010 was about risk-taking and 2011 focused on adventure. These two words encouraged me to cast a wide net and to create many interesting and seemingly unrelated projects. 2012 will be about bringing these projects together; about cajoling them to converge. It’s been a couple of big-sky years and I’m looking forward to corralling projects onto one multi-lane highway that at  the very least provides the sense that the various elements of my life are headed in the same general direction.

Janni Aragon (Canada) Sponsoring. My word for 2012 is sponsoring. I'm still focused on mentoring, but will take more time to sponsor the advanced students who are closer to graduating. I want them to network more in the community, but I know that I have to encourage them to do so. This will mean taking them to events. I'm up for it!

What about you? What’s your word for 2012?

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