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Featured Gig: Founding Dean, UIndy Online, Sease Institute

Tanuja Singh, president of the University of Indianapolis, talks about the role.

Erased From the Curriculum

The marginalization and fragmentation of labor and working-class history in the American classroom.

How History Can Reclaim Its Relevance in the 21st Century

Reengaging history with the social sciences and contemporary challenges.

Pulling Down the List

Declining enrollments hit public regional universities.

Beyond Disciplinary Silos

Toward a more holistic, integrated and decompartmentalized approach to lower-division undergraduate education.

AI in a Lingering Age of Loneliness Among Students

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about greater awareness of an even larger epidemic, one of loneliness in America. In higher education, it is incumbent on us to help our learners with overcoming the pain and other ill-effects of this condition.

Cronyism Is No Way to Run a University

It may not be illegal, but it sure is corrupt.

Empty Nurseries, Empty Futures?

The causes and consequences of declining birth rates.