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The End of the Road

How literature can illuminate a president’s decision to forgo re-election and unmask the complexities of aging and betrayal and manipulation in politics.

Restaging the Suffrage Fight in ‘Suffs: The Musical’

The challenges of bringing the suffrage movement to life through song and story.

Featured Gig: Associate Director, Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation at the University System of Maryland

Are you running a search at the intersection of learning, technology and institutional change?

The Healing Stage

Performance art as therapy, self-expression and a path to empowerment.

The Synthetic Professor

We have reached a point in the development of generative AI that synthetic AI professors are poised to enter academe.

Beyond the Degree: Empowering Graduates’ Futures

Strategies for combating postcollege underemployment.


Facilitating Transfer Student Success Through Better Measurement

Transfer data offers opportunities to identify progress and find areas for improvements.