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How Do You Define an Academic?

Last May, I left my teaching position without a job prospect in sight. It was a gamble, I admit; at...

Spend More Money On Technology

I'm hoping that we can circle back to Archibald and Feldman's 6/14/11 piece " What Bubble?" Archibald and Feldman write...

Administration 101

A middle level administrator I know was faced with a dilemma. The person had agreed to make a program recommendation...

The Dorsal Fin

It’s that time of the summer. Now that the rest of the world has passed “shark week,” we academics can...

Home vs. Away

Ben will begin his senior year of high school next month. He is thinking about where he will apply to...

What's New at University of Venus 13 August 2011

What’s New at University of Venus - Week Ending 13 August 2011University of Venus Around the Web: University of Venus...

College Websites

I know this is a big topic, but it has become salient recently in my world. My college is taking...

Germany's Got Talent

For some German politicians, this summer is bringing not only matters of meditation on preparing for the coming elections in...