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Colleges are always on the lookout for new pedagogical approaches and technology tools that can help their students learn better.
Each issue of “Inside Digital Learning” is filled with such experiments, including expanding the use of analytical tools and the use of virtual reality.
But why make students do that kind of work when you can help them do the educational equivalent of cleaning the oven while they sleep?
Chegg, a technology platform that provides a range of educational services to students, late last week introduced its newest product: an "osmosis pillow" that transfers knowledge into students' heads while they sleep. Perfect, the company says, for "students who want to learn an entire semester's worth of physics in one night, or students looking for a quick study session and power nap before the exam."
"Humans only sleep seven to eight hours per night, and for students that is probably closer to three. With this pillow students can end all-nighters, actually get some sleep and improve their grades," said Dmitry Panov, the company's chief sleep scientist. "This memory foam was developed by a top-secret team of engineers in Zurich using special blends of matcha and lavender and was tested all summer long on our interns. The Chegg osmosis pillow is really the stuff dreams are made of."
Any educators inclined to balk at what they see as the continuing coddling of today's students might want to take a glance at the calendar.
Since "Inside Digital Learning" last came to you, the calendar turned to a new month, and we celebrated the holiday known as April Fools’ Day.