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  • Asked to rank the relative importance of saving for retirement or their children's college education, 46 percent rank them equally, but of the remainder, more put retirement in first place, according to a survey by Allstate discussed on the Motley Fool Web site (free registration required). In the survey -- which was of people with children younger than 18 years old -- 33 percent said that retirement savings came before college savings, 14 percent favored college savings as the top priority, and 5 percent said that they were putting off retirement savings until college was paid for. The Web site encouraged people to focus on retirement, saying, "It's not self-centered -- it's pragmatic."
  • Robert Reich, the former Labor Secretary who is a popular professor at Brandeis University, will move to the public policy program at the University of California at Berkeley, starting in January 2006. Reich taught at Berkeley as a visiting professor during the last semester.
  • Northern Arizona University is telling some 2,200 people -- most of them high school students -- that they cannot attend various camps and programs scheduled to take place on the campus over the next month. An outbreak of norovirus -- which is not life threatening, but has symptoms like a severe flu -- has hit more than 100 people attending programs at the university. The university is expecting a "substantial" loss in revenue because of the cancellations.
  • The University of California on Friday named Wyatt R. Hume as executive vice provost and vice president for academic affairs for the system. Hume was most recently vice chancellor (the equivalent of president) at the University of New South Wales, in Australia. He left that position amid criticism from some quarters that he hadn't responded sufficiently to a case of academic misconduct, although others praised his restraint in the case, and said that he was unwilling to sacrifice a professor's rights to save his job. A spokesman for the California system, where Hume worked before going to Australia, said that the controversy "reflected a commitment to principle and due process on his part that should be valued in the academic community."

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