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  • The House of Representatives passed a three-month extension of the Higher Education Act on Tuesday. The act, currently under review by the House and Senate, is set to expire at the end of September and governs most student aid programs. Generally, higher education officials prefer the Senate version of the changed higher education law to the House version, but there is little controversy about the three-month extension, which is a routine way for Congress to deal with its own missed deadlines. The House also passed legislation to give students who are in the military during times of war extra flexibility on eligibility for student aid.
  • The Authors Guild on Wednesday announced a federal class action lawsuit against Google over the Google Library Project. The project involves an effort to digitize the holdings of key university libraries, and making those holdings searchable. While Google has said that the effort will expand access to knowledge, the authors' group charged that the program amounts to "massive copyright infringement" because authors have not given permission to have their work reproduced.
  • Drew University announced that it was dropping standardized tests as an admissions requirement. Officials said that high school grades were a better way to judge applicants than the SAT or ACT.
  • Law enforcement authorities charged more than 300 people in neighborhoods near the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with underage drinking or other alcohol-related crimes during the first two weekends of the semester, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Similar start-of-the-semester crackdowns have yielded fewer arrests, but officials said that they didn't know if alcohol-related crime was up, or enforcement was improving.

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