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  • Four associations have released a guide for colleges to use in reviewing whether their copyright policies reflect recent legal and technological developments. The guide notes that colleges and their faculty members are major producers of copyrighted material, and that professors and students also are big users of such material -- sometimes in ways that create legal difficulties. The groups that prepared the guide are the Association of American Universities, the Association of Research Libraries, the Association of American University Presses, and the Association of American Publishers.
  • Loyola University New Orleans on Tuesday announced that 28 employees would lose their jobs at the end of the year, and that 27 vacant positions would not be filled.  No tenured faculty members will lose their jobs. Other New Orleans institutions have announced more substantial layoffs in the wake of Katrina, but Loyola pledged immediately after Katrina that all employees would have their jobs for 2005. While the university lost significant revenue by not holding classes this semester, it also announced encouraging enrollment statistics for the spring. For next semester, 73 percent of students have already pre-registered.
  • Colleges can file claims through March 15 to recoup money for the costs of removing asbestos as part of a $50 million settlement, the American Council on Education and National Association of College and University Business Officers said Tuesday. The settlement was reached in an 18-year-old class action known as Central Wesleyan v. W.R. Grace.
  • The Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools has placed American InterContinental University on a year's probation, Career Education Corporation, which owns American InterContinental, announced Tuesday. The company did not say why the institution had been cited, but American InterContinental's CEO, George Miller, said its officials were "committed to addressing the Commission's concerns while continuing to provide quality education to our students."
  • The New York State Education Department has accused Interboro Institute of using questionable practices to enroll more students than it could educate successfully, with the goal of bringing in more federal and state financial aid, The New York Times reported Tuesday. In a letter to officials of the for-profit institution, department officials said it should reduce its enrollment and make other changes, or close, according to the Times.
  • The number of Duke University students using iPods in the classroom has quadrupled and the number of courses employing them has doubled in this, the second year of the university's program to incorporate the ubiquitous Apple device for educational means, Duke has announced.

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