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  • Western Oregon University and faculty members reached agreement on a contract, apparently averting a strike set for Wednesday, the Associated Press reported. A news release from the university said the new deal "provides step increases and cost-of-living increases the faculty were hoping for, and it restores the salary steps faculty lost during the salary freezes."
  • The College of Holy Cross is debating not only the Iraq war, but the way critics and defenders of the war express themselves, after an anti-war display was vandalized, The Boston Globe reported. Critics of the war, with university permission, planted green stakes on the campus last week for every 100 Iraqi civilian deaths and white stakes for every 100 American fatalities in Iraq. Vandals ripped all the green stakes from the ground.
  • The University of Medicine and Dentristry of New Jersey became a "patronage pit" for politicians and others seeking to find jobs for their friends and relatives, according to a report released Monday by a federal monitor at the financially troubled institution. The Star-Ledger reported on the findings, which also detail lavish spending by some top officials (or former top officials) at the university.
  • The chess team at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County won its fourth straight national title by besting the University of Texas at Dallas last weekend in the President's Cup, the collegiate chess championship. Miami-Dade College finished third and Duke University fourth in the round-robin tournament. Oh, by the way, in case you haven't opened the sports section yet, the University of Florida won the other Final Four last night.

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