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- Brenda Jo Brueggemann, chair of the Gallaudet University Board of Trustees, has quit the position, saying: "I do not believe I can be the most effective member of the board to lead Gallaudet through the next steps." The Washington Post reported that her resignation followed that of Sen. John McCain from the board. According to the Post, McCain said in a resignation letter that the board's decision to rescind its presidential offer to Jane K. Fernandes was "unfair and not in the best interests of the university."
- More than half of those who graduated with science bachelor's degrees in 2001 or 2002 were employed outside of science and engineering or unemployed, non-students by October 2003, according to a report released by the National Science Foundation. The report features numerous tables on the post-graduation work and education histories of science graduates.
- The head of the Britain's University of Cambridge -- where one-fourth of employees and half of graduate students are from other countries, is warning that a brain drain is having a serious impact on British universities, The Times of London reported.
- A member of the University of Miami's football team was shot and killed hours after leaving practice, The Miami Herald reported. Police officers were still investigating a motive for the shooting of Bryan Pata, who grew up in Miami, majored in criminology, and was seen as headed for the National Football League.
- The Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure of the American Association of University Professors has adopted a statement expressing "great concern" about new limits placed by Israel restricting Palestinian students' access to Israeli universities. The ban has faced considerable criticism by Israeli universities and the country's Supreme Court.