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  • Max Blouw, vice president for research at the University of Western British Columbia, has been appointed president of Wilfrid Laurier University, in Waterloo, Ontario.
  • Tom Dyer, dean of academic affairs at the New England Institute of Art, in Boston, has been named president of Argosy University's Seattle campus.
  • George P. Korfiatis, dean of engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology, has been named provost at the institution.
  • Sister Joan Lescinski, president of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods College, in Indiana, has been chosen as president St. Ambrose University, in Iowa.
  • Paul W. Ludden, dean of the College of Natural Resources at the University of California at Berkeley, has been appointed provost and vice president for academic affairs at Southern Methodist University.
  • James McCarthy, dean of the School of Health and Human Services and professor of health management and policy at the University of New Hampshire, has been named provost and senior vice president for academic affairs of Baruch College of the City University of New York.
  • Rodney B. Piercey, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and professor of physics at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, has been named provost and vice president for academic affairs at Eastern Kentucky University.
  • Joseph F. Sheley, interim provost and vice president for academic affairs at California State U. at Sacramento, has been appointed to the job on a permanent basis.

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