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  • The Kansas Board of Education on Tuesday adopted new standards for science programs in the state's public schools -- and evolution is once again in while intelligent design is out. While the standards did not apply to colleges, scientists nationwide have been highly critical of the previous set of standards for ignoring scientific consensus about evolution.
  • Authorities have charged three students at Emmanuel College, in Georgia, with dozens of criminal charges related to apparently random gunshots fired at businesses, drivers, and homes in several counties in northeast Georgia, The Anderson Independent Mail reported. Two of the students, who were members of the baseball team, withdrew from the college. An Emmanuel vice president told the newspaper that the alleged incidents took place when the students were away from campus and not involved in any college activity.
  • In conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Council on Education, the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education held its first meeting this week. The organization will sponsor programs to help chief diversity officers and others who work in diversity offices. While duties and authority are not identical, more colleges are creating these positions and offices. At the meeting this week, William B. Harvey was elected president of the group. Harvey is vice president and chief officer for diversity and equity at the University of Virginia.
  • The University of California at Irvine will drop a lawsuit against the family of Jacques Derrida  over some of the late professor's papers, which both the university and the family claimed, the Los Angeles Times reported. The two sides are now negotiating out of court.
  • Both Loyola University and Xavier University in New Orleans were shut Tuesday due to lack of power caused by a tornado.
  • The University of Washington has been ordered by an accreditor to spend millions to improve its housing of animals used in research, the Associated Press reported.
  • Members of Congress from both parties and both chambers introduced legislation Tuesday that would reward colleges that switch to the federal government's direct student loan program by giving them additional federal grant money. Supporters, mostly Democrats, say the Student Aid Reward Act will save the government money by encouraging more colleges to use the direct lending program, which several federal studies have suggested is less expensive to operate. But lenders in the federal government's competing guaranteed student loan program challenge those studies and say that the proposed legislation, which died in the 109th Congress, would "severely weaken the vital services, benefits and resources that the vast majority of American students and families rely on to finance college tuition," as the College Loan Corporation said in a news release Tuesday.
  • The top Democrat and Republican on the U.S. House education committee jointly sponsored a bill Tuesday that would repeal a federal rule that reduces the size of Pell Grants for students at low-cost colleges. The measure sponsored by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, and Rep. Howard P. (Buck) McKeon, the senior Republican on the panel, aims to end the practice known as "tuition sensitivity," which is strongly opposed by community colleges.

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