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- Assumption College, in Massachusetts, is starting an online master's program in rehabilitation counseling.
- Brandeis University and Middlebury College have announced a new joint summer program in Hebrew, which will start next year, joining nine other summer programs offering intense language training. The Middlebury programs are among the best known for language instruction and involve a pledge by students to speak only the language they are studying. The previous program to open was Portuguese, in 2003.
- Mississippi College is starting its first doctorate, a program in education that will focus on educational leadership.
- Santa Fe Community College, in New Mexico, is starting new certificate programs in environmental technologies, facility maintenance technologies and engineering technologies.
- The University of Georgia has created a School of Ecology, which will offer a range of degree and research programs. While there are many ecology departments, Georgia believes that it has the first free-standing school of ecology within a university.
- The University of Minnesota at Crookston is starting a bachelor of science in biology.