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- David Alexander, vice president for university advancement at Southern Nazarene University, in Oklahoma, has been chosen as president of Northwest Nazarene University, in Idaho.
- Lars Hafner, provost of St. Petersburg College, in Florida, has been selected as president of Manatee Community College, also in Florida.
- Sue K. Hammersmith, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, has been appointed president of Metropolitan State University, in Minnesota.
- Judith Johansen, president and CEO of PacifiCorp, an electricity utility company, has been chosen as president of Marylhurst University, in Oregon.
- Robert Lyman, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Appalachian State University, in North Carolina, has been named provost at the University of Southern Mississippi.
- Mark Thompson, dean of the School of Business at Quinnipiac University, in Connecticut, has been promoted to senior vice president for academic and student affairs there.
- Ronald Toll, vice president for academic affairs, dean of the faculty, and professor of biology at Lebanon Valley College, in Pennsylvania, has been selected as provost and vice president for academic affairs at Florida Gulf Coast University.