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The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges:

Clarkson University

--Andrea Ferro, civil and environmental engineering
--Kathleen Fowler, mathematics
--Pier Marzocca, mechanical and aeronautical engineering
--Alan Rossner, biology
--Edward S. Sazonov, electrical and computer engineering
--Stephanie A. Schuckers, electrical and computer engineering

Ithaca College

--Changhee Chun, cinema, photography, and media arts
--Cathy Crane, cinema, photography, and media arts
--Maria DiFrancesco, modern languages and literatures
--Akiko Fillinger, chemistry
--Linda Hanrahan, education
--Jennifer Hayghe, music performance
--Jennifer Haywood, music education
--Jennifer Jolly, art history
--Luke Keller, physics
--Michael Rogers, physics
--Stephen Sweet, sociology
--David Turkon, anthropology

Miami University (Ohio)

--Maria Alvarez, Spanish and Portuguese
--Denise Baszile, educational leadership
--Burcin Bayram, physics
--Susan Brehm, speech pathology and audiology
--Ann Michelle Bromberg, Spanish and Portuguese
--Scott Brown, sociology and gerontology
--Moira Casey, English
--Xiao-Wen Cheng, microbiology
--Heather Claypool, psychology
--Larry Collins, art
--Jill Courte, computer and information technology
--Valerie Cross, computer science and systems analysis
--Carl Dahlman, geography
--Devon DelVecchio, marketing
--Rebecca Eaton, theater
--Timothy Eaton, accountancy
--Tracy Featherstone, art
--Diane Fellows, architecture and interior design
--Paula Gandara, Spanish and Portuguese
--Megan Gerhardt, management
--Ira Greenberg, art
--Kurt Hugenberg, psychology
--Fazeel Khan, mechanical and manufacturing engineering
--Kelli Lyon Johnson, English
--Glenn Muschert, sociology and gerontology
--Ivonne Ortiz Parsons, mathematics and statistics
--Lisa Poirier, comparative religion
--David Prytherch, geography
--Elise Radina, family studies and social work
--Vipul Ranatunga, engineering technology
--Joseph Rode, management
--Brian Roley, English
--Benjamin Smolder, music
--James Tobin, journalism
--Paul Urayama, physics
--Roscoe Wilson, art

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