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- Berkshire Community College is starting an atmospheric science concentration in the college's pre-college liberal arts program.
- Brandeis University is staring a master of science program online instructional design and technology.
- Cornell University and Tsinghua University are starting a dual-degree M.B.A. and finance M.B.A. taught in English and Mandarin.
- Northeastern University is starting a master of science in security and resilience studies.
- Pennsylvania State University is starting an online master's program in higher education.
- Saint Leo University is starting an online M.B.A. and an online bachelor's degree in project management.
- South Dakota State University is starting a Ph.D. in agricultural, biosystems, and mechanical engineering.
- University of Georgia is starting a one-year certificate program in medical illustration.
- Xavier University, in Ohio, is starting an online master of education degree in coaching.
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