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- Mitch Avila, dean of the College of Arts & Humanities at California State University Dominguez Hills, has been chosen as provost at California State University Channel Islands.
- Archie L. Blanson, interim president of Lone Star College's North Harris campus, has been named to the job on a permanent basis.
- Francine Conway, dean of the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University at New Brunswick, in New Jersey, has been named provost and executive vice chancellor of academic affairs there.
- Theresa Felder, senior vice president for student success at Clark State Community College, in Ohio, has been selected as president of Harford Community College, in Maryland.
- Jeffrey Gold, chancellor of the University of Nebraska Medical Center, has been given the additional role of senior vice president and provost of the University of Nebraska system.
- Brian Lenzmeier, interim president of Buena Vista University, in Iowa, has been named to the job on a permanent basis.
- Kathy L. Murphy, superintendent of Hoover City Schools, in Alabama, has been appointed president of Gadsden State Community College, also in Alabama.
- Eduardo M. Peñalver, dean of the Law School at Cornell University, in New York, has been selected as president of Seattle University, in Washington.
- Suzanne Sherman, associate provost at New College of Florida, has been promoted to provost there.
- Melody Tankersley, interim senior vice president and provost at Kent State University, in Ohio, has been appointed to the position on a permanent basis.
- Ontario Wooden, associate vice chancellor for student success and academic outreach at North Carolina Central University, has been chosen as provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Alcorn State University, in Mississippi.
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