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- Francis Arpan, dean of academics at Sisseton Wahpeton College, in South Dakota, has been selected as vice president of academics at Haskell Indian Nations University, in Kansas.
- Tamara Brown, executive dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at the University of North Texas, has been selected as provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at the University of Texas at Arlington.
- Tyler Forrest, vice chancellor for finance and administration at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, has been chosen as president of Tennessee Wesleyan University.
- Janet L. Gooch, executive vice president for academic affairs and provost at Truman State University, in Missouri, has been named chancellor of the University of Illinois at Springfield.
- Amanda Gutierrez, vice president for automotive restoration at McPherson College, in Kansas, has been promoted to executive vice president and provost there.
- Ashanti Hands, vice president of student services at San Diego Mesa College, in California, has been named president there.
- Derek Moore, vice president for student services at South Arkansas Community College, has been selected as president of New Mexico Junior College.
- Anju Ramjee, professor of finance and business and chair of the business department at Bethany College, in West Virginia, has been promoted to provost and dean of faculty there.
- Robert H. Vela Jr., president of San Antonio College, in Texas, has been chosen as president of Texas A&M University at Kingsville.
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