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The City University of New York system will personally invite all of those on track to graduate from the New York City public schools to apply to CUNY.

Each senior will receive a letter outlining information about how to apply to CUNY’s 11 senior colleges. CUNY’s six community colleges accept all students with a high school diploma or its equivalent, although availability for more popular programs may be limited, and some majors, such as nursing, have stricter academic prerequisites.

The letter will also include information about CUNY’s net price calculator.

The pledge to send the letter came at a meeting between CUNY chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez and schools chancellor David Banks.

“New York City Public Schools students have always had a home at CUNY, but sometimes finding that home could be daunting. We are giving seniors and their families the tools they need to find the right program at the right price, which will be especially helpful for those who are the first in their families to attend college and might not be familiar with how the process works,” said Matos Rodríguez.

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