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Yale Makes Finals Online

Yale University has shifted all final exams to be online. “While Yale has not experienced the same increase in COVID...

Coach K Calls for More Testing and Change in ACC’s Forfeit Policy

Duke University’s head men’s basketball coach, Mike Krzyzewski, called for the Atlantic Coast Conference to increase testing of basketball programs...

Helping Students With Disabilities Fulfill Career Goals

How do we help students with disabilities fulfill their career goals? In today's Academic Minute, Virginia Commonwealth University's Susan McKelvey...

8 Steps to Prepare for a Pandemic That’s Becoming Endemic

It’s time for colleges to rethink their plans for the spring semester, write David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler, who present a path that offers a balance between safety and normalcy.

Students Missed Chance for $50 by Not Reading Syllabus

Kenyon Wilson, a professor of performing arts at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, decided to test students on something...

A Show of Holiday Cheer, in Spite of It All

Clever, snowy, poignant or silly, the holiday video greetings featured in our annual showcase reflect the resilience, hope and musical talent that fill college campuses around the country.

Appeals Court Reinstates Biden Vaccine Mandate

A federal appeals court reinstated a Biden administration rule requiring employees of large businesses to get vaccinated against COVID-19 or...

‘There Is No College in COVID’

A new book featuring journal entries from first-year students at Oregon State University–Cascades reflecting on their transition to college during a global pandemic offers poignant, witty and sad takes on their unusual experience.