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A photo of the book cover for “Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management” and its author

‘Pulling Back the Veil’ on Enrollment Management

Stephen Burd’s new book blames much of higher ed’s current woes on the multi-million dollar industry. He spoke with IHE about how admissions became a numbers game and why poor students are worse off for it.

A student leads a horse over a low jump in an arena

Success Program Launch: Equine-Assisted First-Year Student Experience

Valdosta State University professors created an experiential learning course that uses horses to build students’ personal and professional skills through hands-on learning and reflection.

UNC Chapel Hill Shifts $2.3M From DEI to Police, Public Safety

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Board of Trustees voted unanimously Monday to reallocate $2.3 million that was...
Students walk across the central thoroughfare of a college campus, University of St. Thomas Houston.

Democrats and Republicans Alike Still See Value in a Degree

Americans may not be happy with higher education, but regardless of political affiliation, most still see its “value,” according to a new Third Way survey.

Ep. 113: Helping Higher Education Own Its AI Future

How Arizona State University is working with Open AI to shape the development of generative AI.

Professors in their ceremonial graduation garb holding a big check on a stage

From Jubilation to Crisis: Pausing a $237 Million Gift

Florida A&M admits it doesn't know the value of 14 million shares of stock from a little-known entrepreneur. One expert puts the likelihood the donation is worth $237 million at "about zero."

Four students stand in front of a table with a table banner that reads “Cuyahoga Community College.” Two wear shirts with the slogan “Your voice matters. #voiceyourvote.”

A New Push to Get Community College Students to the Polls

Students at two-year colleges consistently vote at lower rates than their four-year peers. A new coalition of companies and organizations wants to change that.

Experts Predict Major AI Impacts in New Report

Artificial intelligence (AI) will reshape student experiences, pedagogy and how people communicate, according to dozens of higher ed and technology...