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Friendliness and Trustworthiness in Forming New Teams

What gets you selected for a team project may be a surprise. In today’s Academic Minute, Binghamton University’s Cynthia Maupin...

More Support for COVID-19–Affected Professors

Two years into the pandemic, Stanford University is offering junior faculty members another pretenure year or an additional quarter of research leave, plus childcare and research grants. Will other institutions follow suit?

A Trans Swimmer Roils Women’s Sports

The dominance of Penn’s Lia Thomas has many decrying her success, though definitive research that might guide the conversation is lacking. Now the NCAA is making up the rules as it goes along.

'A Serial Abuser and Strangler'

Appeals court sides with University of Arizona in a Title IX case involving off-campus assaults by a former football player. The student plaintiff argued the university ignored evidence of the player’s repeated on-campus dating violence.

Limited Entry to Japan

Country lets in 87 international students out of 147,000 waiting to return.

Biological Gender in Fair Competitive Sports Policy

Allowing biologically male athletes on female teams will continue a practice of unfair sex-based disadvantage for women at our colleges and universities, argues Angie Kirk.

Judge Rules Trump Lawyer Must Hand Over University Emails

John Eastman, a conservative law professor who worked with former president Donald Trump in the days leading up to the...

Former Math Instructor Sues St. Joseph’s After Tweet Inquiry

Gregory Manco, a former visiting professor of math and assistant baseball coach at St. Joseph’s University in Pennsylvania, is suing...