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Well friends, it's been a fantastic year. We've had two semesters worth of excellent content, and the dialogue created by our posts speaks to quality of both GradHacker's authors and our readers. GradHacker now shifts into our summer hiatus until August 5th.

In the meantime, keep an eye on our twitter feed. Though we won't be publishing new work over this break, we'll be running GradHacker swag contests and sharing helpful links for hacking life in graduate school. In addition, we'll be sharing news about openings for new permanent authors and details on our search for a new development editor. We may be away for the summer, but we promise to write.....

Many thanks to our dedicated readers who have taken the time to provide the thoughtful feedback that has tremendously increased our value as a resource to our fellow graduate students. In addition, we are grateful for the support we've received from our friends at and Matrix at Michigan State University. These outfits are invaluable resources for academics at all stages of their careers, and we look forward to continuing these fine partnerships when we resume operations on August 5th!

Here's to a pleasant and productive summer break!

Your GradHacker Editorial Board,

Alex Galarza, Katy Meyers, and Benjamin Sawyer

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