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Many observers of Christian higher education have been wondering how the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities would respond to the move last week by two of its members -- Eastern Mennonite University and Goshen College -- to change their employment policies to permit the hiring of faculty members in same-sex marriages. While CCCU does not have a specific policy on members with regard to hiring gay faculty members, some member institutions have reportedly voiced discomfort with Eastern Mennonite and Goshen maintaining their current role after adopting the new policies, the first of their kind at CCCU institutions.

A board meeting (previously scheduled) of CCCU just ended and the council issued a statement about a process to consider the latest developments. The statement says in part: “The CCCU has received inquiries regarding the recent change by member institutions Eastern Mennonite University and Goshen College in employment policies regarding faculty and staff in same-sex marriages. At the recent meeting of the CCCU Board of Directors, which includes the president of EMU, the board engaged in thorough deliberations regarding this policy change. The president of EMU recused himself as appropriate. As a result of their discussions, the board has reaffirmed its commitment to a deliberative and consultative process. Therefore, in the coming weeks and months, the board will be calling all member presidents to discuss this issue. This plan is consistent with feedback from CCCU members, the vast majority of whom are supportive of the board following a good and respectful process before making any decision.”

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