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AI Is Already Advancing Higher Education

Generative AI has enormous potential to advance, enhance and expand higher education in the future. Few realize how AI already is improving what we do today in myriad ways.

Upskilling, Reskilling or Retiring: Responding to the Advent of AI

The anticipated replacement of human workers with generative AI apps has begun. Earlier this year IBM announced about 8,000 layoffs amid an AI-powered initiative.

AI in a Lingering Age of Loneliness Among Students

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about greater awareness of an even larger epidemic, one of loneliness in America. In higher education, it is incumbent on us to help our learners with overcoming the pain and other ill-effects of this condition.

Our Responsibility to Teach AI to Students

Put aside your concerns about student use of generative AI in your classes. It is our urgent responsibility to teach students now how to use the technology in their discipline—their careers depend on us.

The Synthetic Professor

We have reached a point in the development of generative AI that synthetic AI professors are poised to enter academe.

AI Reshapes Higher Ed and Society at Large by 2035

There are important steps to be taken in higher education as we prepare for the deep societywide changes that will take place in the next five to 10 years.

Higher Education Has Not Been Forgotten by Generative AI

The generative AI (GenAI) revolution has not ignored higher education; a whole host of tools are available now and more revolutionary tools are on the way.

How and When Might the Great AI Job Replacement Take Place?

While there are isolated examples of wholesale layoffs among a few individual companies, the broad scale loss of jobs has not yet materialized.