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We hope that everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving, whether that meant flying home to see family, staying in with your friends, or just having the day off from work. This year, this is what we were thankful for in grad school.

Kaitlin: Being Canadian, the only difference about this upcoming Thursday is that there is an abnormal amount of football on for a weekday. Thankfully (heh), we can be thankful all year round! I’m thankful for people sharing their successes, failures, tools, and tips about their grad school experience. Whether through blogs, books, or over beers with friends, listening to the diverse experiences of others provides us with different perspectives and lets us know that we aren’t alone in this process.

Katy: In grad school it is the support from others that I'm thankful for, especially of my committee, family and friends. This has probably been the most stressful year I've ever experienced in a personal way- throughout it I had everyone rooting for me. I'm truly thankful that they were there for me.

Jason: I'm thankful for the friendships and connections I've made in graduate school. I've come to realize over the last year or so that the worst part of graduate school is seeing your friends move. We all collectively share in the experience of graduate school, and I believe that forges lasting friendships. I'm also thankful for the support of my family and my wife, who put up with my craziness and also remind me to relax.
Ashley: Grad school can be hectic and challenging, but I have so much to be thankful for. My friends, family, and colleagues have been incredibly supportive and encouraging.  This year, I have the opportunity to learn new tools and skills in the digital humanities, as well as to meet and collaborate with amazing people through the Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative. I'm also grateful for the chance to travel for research and conferences and the friends I've met along the way. After being away from home for more than a year, I find that the simple things in life - especially shared experiences with loved ones - are what bring me the most joy.
Alex: This thanksgiving I am doing fieldwork in a place where I won't have access to a turkey dinner. Despite this, I am enormously thankful for the opportunity to conduct dissertation research in a place I love with a group of scholars and research participants who continue to amaze me with their generosity, insights, and support. I am lucky enough to be returning home for the holidays to family and friends. 
Julie: I'm thankful for my guidance committee who continues to give me so much of their time and enthusiasm as I write my dissertation. I'm also thankful for my job market mentors who have prepared me so well for this difficult process.
And thank you to you all, our readers for following us, joining in on discussions, and making this online grad student community great!
[Photo via flickr user garlandcannon and used under creative commons]