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This GradHacker post is by Andrea Zellner, PhD candidate in Ed Tech/Ed Pysch at Michigan State University, @andreazellner

What is Digital Learning Day?

Started by the Alliance for Learning, and in partnership with the National Writing Project,

“Digital Learning Day will celebrate innovative teaching practices that make learning more personalized and engaging and encourage exploration of how digital learning can provide more students with more opportunities to get the skills they need to succeed in college, career, and life.” (via NWP)

Today, February 1, is Digital Learning Day. As part of the celebration of all things digital learning, we here at Gradhacker are offering an invitation to our readers to participate with us.  With that in mind, here are three suggestions for digital learning you can engage with today:

  1. Try something new: I've began a list at the end of this post that might inspire you to try something new with your students or for your own learning. Be sure to share with us how it went!
  2. Share a success: Perhaps you are already a digital teacher extraordinaire. We want to hear from you! Share your tips and tricks either via your own site and tag with #dlday, put the link in the comments, and consider submitting that story to one of the sites listed in the resources.
  3. Track your own Digital Learning:On my personal blog today I have a reflection of a "Day in the Life of a Digital Leaner," including artifacts of links, tweets, and more that I've learned through digital means over the course of one day.

How do you use digital learning tools in your teaching and learning? Please share in the comments! Join the conversation on twitter with the hashtag #DLday

List of Resources: