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Thank You, Doug Lederman
A moment to reflect on what IHE and the people who created it have meant to me and others.
ChatGPT-4o Shows ‘Friendly’ Behavior
The app initiates personalized conversations and offers responses without a prompt. This signals a shift toward agentic AI, where models act more like colleagues.
The Human Face of Addiction
Addiction through the lens of the arts and the humanities.
3 More Questions for Lee Bradshaw on Rhodes Advisors
Growing online programs without breaking the bank.
Helping Students Navigate a Maze of Simulacra
In hyperreality, truth is a construct, fact is a matter of perception and the line between reality and fiction disappears.
The American Talent Initiative Was Doomed From the Start
Helping low-income students compete better in a game rigged against them is never going to move the needle.
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