Ep. 132: Voices of Student Success: Teaching Career Competencies In On-Campus Work
One university seeks to close equity gaps through intentional professional development for student workers.
The “guided pathways” model is not just a student success initiative, but a way to redesign how a college operates.
This week’s episode of The Key podcast explores the “guided pathways” model, which hundreds of community colleges have embraced to give students a clearer path to reaching their educational goals.
Davis Jenkins, a senior research scholar at the Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College, and Hana Lahr, a senior research associate and director of applied learning there, join The Key to discuss their recent papers evaluating how guided pathways has spread, what iterations of the model work best, and what it takes to bring about this kind of sweeping, “whole college” change at institutions that can be both tradition-bound and financially strapped.
Hosted by Inside Higher Ed Editor Doug Lederman. This episode is sponsored by Coursedog.
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One university seeks to close equity gaps through intentional professional development for student workers.
The topic is a rare area of consensus for policymakers in the states and at the federal level.
Enabling confidence in individuals' strengths helps teams bring about better outcomes for students.
A recently launched college bridge program improves college readiness for students enrolled in higher education programs in prison.
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