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Sen. Tom Harkin has identified the next target in his campaign to draw attention to perceived abuses in for-profit higher education: the institutions' large and growing share of financial aid for military service members and veterans. The Iowa Democrat, who has held a series of highly critical hearings this year and threatened a legislative crackdown against the institutions, called a news conference for today at which he plans to release the latest in a string of reports on the sector. An article published Wednesday night in The New York Times cites data showing that for-profit colleges are receiving a disproportionate share of money from the Post-9/11 GI Bill and quotes several former officials at career colleges describing the aggressive tactics they used to enroll veterans -- even those they were not confident could succeed academically. The article quotes Harkin saying that the institutions see veterans as a "cash cow" and that “[i]t is both a rip off of the taxpayer and a slap in the face to the people who have risked their lives for our country."