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A new blog -- MLA Jobs, with the slogan "putting the AACK! back in the tenure track" -- is a parody of the sort of job postings for which job seekers hope to interview at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association. Many of the fake ads poke fun at the increasingly complicated qualifications that departments are seeking (such as multiple, not necessarily related, specialties). Other postings take aim at recent controversies, such as the push by some trustees at the University of Virginia for the institution to expand online.

A fake ad for the university "seeks Professor of English with specialty in 'educational' technology for setting up MOOCs. Position will be responsible for attracting national attention with bombastic, unproven claims about the future of education; ideal candidate will be heavily read in David Brooks." And referring to the recent controversy over job postings that require applicants to have recent Ph.D.s, there is an ad "looking for soft, fresh faces. Stale Ph.D.s are requested to mist themselves prior to applying."