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Alumni of the University of Texas at Austin have launched a new video criticizing the way regents appointed by Governor Rick Perry, a Republican, have put pressure on the university. The alumni (in a view shared by many faculty members) argue that the regents are endangering the university's quality and have politicized discussions of higher education. The video, "Wake Up Longhorns," appeals to the pride of alumni by quoting from the fight song of Texas A&M University, Governor Perry's alma mater. Ray Sullivan, Perry's former chief of staff, told The Texas Tribune by e-mail: "I've long thought that the small but vocal status quo/anti-reform forces at UT-Austin were motivated by profound elitism and deep paranoia and hatred of Aggies. Especially against the state's top elected Aggie who has worked hard to improve the infrastructure, effectiveness and economic impact of UT. This proves it."
Here is the video: