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A report by an outside law firm -- commissioned by Yeshiva University -- has confirmed reports of numerous incidents of sexual abuse of students at the university's high school for boys. "The investigative team has concluded that multiple incidents of varying types of sexual and physical abuse took place at [the high school] during the relevant time period. This conduct was carried out by a number of individuals in positions of authority ... including, in certain instances, after members of the administration had been made aware of such conduct. In addition, the investigative team found that, during the relevant time period, sexual and physical abuse took place at other schools comprising the university as well.... The
investigative team found that, up until 2001, there were multiple instances in which the university either failed to appropriately act to protect the safety of its students or did not respond to the allegations at all." The report noted improvements after 2001 and since the scandal over the sex abuse charges became public.

Originally, the university said that the entire report would be released, but it provided only a summary, citing issues raised by suits filed against Yeshiva.

A statement from Richard M. Joel, the president (who was not president at the time of the abuse allegations), said: "There are findings set forth in this report that serve as a source of profound shame and sadness for our institution. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the entire University community, I express my deepest and most heartfelt remorse, and truly hope that our recognition of these issues provides some level of comfort and closure to the victims."