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The Carnegie Corporation of New York today announced four college and university presidents as recipients of its 2013 Academic Leadership Award -- an award that comes with $500,000 for each president to use to advance academic initiatives. The winners and some of the accomplishments cited by Carnegie:

  • Richard H. Brodhead of Duke University was praised for creating "Duke Engage to provide full funding so that each year some 400 students can undertake immersive civic engagement activities for a minimum of eight weeks in partner communities in the United States and around the world."
  • Michael M. Crow of Arizona State University was cited for enrolling a fall 2013 freshman class in which 39 percent of students are from minority groups, a 165 percent increase in minority representation in the entering freshman class since 2002.
  • John L. Hennessy of Stanford University was lauded for numerous efforts to involve the university in the reform of elementary and secondary education.
  • Beverly Daniel Tatum of Spelman College was honored for promoting science and mathematics programs such that nearly a third of Spelman students earn degrees in those fields, challenging what Tatum calls “the low expectations for women and minorities in science.”