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Should Sean Combs -- known to many as Puff Daddy or P. Diddy -- be Howard University's commencement speaker? Howard's announcement called him an "entrepreneur and entertainment mogul," and mentioned that he had been a student at Howard in the late 1980s. But the statement didn't state explicitly that he is a dropout. So some people are talking -- and websites are compiling Tweets -- on whether Combs is an appropriate choice as speaker. Critics ask about the message sent by having a dropout speak at commencement. For example, one comment on Twitter said "diddy is gonna make the commencement speech at Howard but what is he gonna say. 'Well I dropped outta here & got rich but good luck,'" and another said, "Can someone explain why Diddy, a person who never graduated from Howard, is speaking at graduation?"

But others defended him. One comment: "Strange to see so many people displeased w/ Diddy being HU's commencement speaker. Too caught up in his lack of degree to note his successes." And one person on Twitter offered an interesting comparison: "Diddy's net worth is greater than Howard's Endowment. Just to give some context."