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The U.S. Army War College, responding to reports that Senator John Walsh plagiarized large portions of his master's thesis, announced a formal investigation on Thursday, The New York Times reported. “It’s clear there is indeed strong reason to believe this is plagiarism,” said Provost Lance Betros. Walsh has denied doing anything wrong and has suggested that any problems may be due to post-traumatic stress disorder. Two columns in The Washington Post explore issues raised by the incident. Sean M. Lynn-Jones, a research associate at the Belfer Center at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, wrote about the experience of being plagiarized by Walsh. And Daniel W. Drezner, a professor of international politics at Tufts University, wrote about feeling unimpressed that the paper led to a master's degree (even aside from the plagiarism issues). The title of his piece: "On what academic planet does a 14 page paper merit John Walsh an M.A.?"