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The state higher education board in Mississippi on Thursday announced that it had held but was ending talks with Dan Jones about the possibility of his staying on as chancellor of the University of Mississippi. A statement from the board said that it had made a "good faith" effort to keep Jones, but that he declined to proceed. As a result, the board plans to start a search for his replacement. Since the board announced last month that it was not renewing Jones's contract, many students, faculty and alumni have been protesting and calling for the board to keep Jones.

In a briefing, Jones said that he couldn't work effectively under the two-year contract that the board was willing to consider. "I feel strongly, as do most of my advisors, that serving two years as a lame duck would make it difficult to recruit and retain key leaders and continue our momentum in private giving. More importantly, it is clear from the board’s position that the board would not support my leadership during any extension," he said.