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While testing companies must respond constantly to allegations of security breaches outside the United States, the Educational Testing Service is investigating a possible security breach on the SAT given in the United States on May 2, The Washington Post reported. The day before the exam was given, a Post reporter received copies of two SAT exams that included many questions used on the May 2 test. Many of the more sophisticated cheating schemes involve having an advance copy of questions.

A statement from ETS, which manages the SAT for the College Board, said it was investigating and that there was a possibility that scores could be delayed. "We are aware of reports regarding the May administration and are working to determine if score holds will be necessary. Any affected test takers will be notified by ETS prior to the planned score release date of May 21. We understand and share the frustration of students and their families when the illegal activities of certain organizations and individuals cause score delays," said the ETS statement. "Our responsibility is to deliver valid scores to colleges and universities -- even when doing so takes additional time."