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The College Board at some point last week changed its explanation of why it was not scoring two sections of the SAT given on June 6, but did so without indicating a change had been made, and while keeping a time stamp on the page that was inaccurate, The Washington Post reported. The change made more clear that the College Board was not scoring two sections on the SAT, something about which there has been some confusion. A spokesman said he could not say why the posting was made in a way that hid the date it was made.

The news comes amid growing criticism from students who took the SAT on June 6, many of whom doubt the College Board's explanation that it can give them full scores without two sections on the test. Some students have organized a petition demanding a free retest, and some reports on social media indicate that some students who have called the College Board have been told they can get a free retest. The College Board spokesman declined to comment on those reports.

Two of the students who organized the petition emailed Inside Higher Ed to say that they had heard (but not confirmed) the reports about some test takers being offered a free retest. But they said this was not a good solution, done privately. "If some students are actually getting retests just by calling, we would hope that the College Board would inform everyone that a free retest is an option for them," said Courtney Noll and Sarah Choudhury.