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Students at Howard University took to Twitter Wednesday in a campaign to draw attention to complaints about student services and facilities at the institution. Under the hashtag #TakeBackHU, students wrote about long lines and poor service in the financial aid office, a lack of air conditioning in many buildings, poor wireless service, and much more. Among the comments: “How do the professors expect us to come up with [$]300-400 for textbooks in 2 days and we can't even get financial aid …” and “Too many times will one office send you to a completely different department just to be sent back to the original one.” Many comments mix the students' frustrations with expressions of pride in the university and its role as a historically black university. Many alumni wrote that they made similar complaints years ago.

Wayne A. I. Frederick, the president, himself wrote on Twitter Wednesday evening: “My team & I are working diligently towards a comprehensive communication & resolve for your concerns. Your voices are heard and appreciated.”