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The College Republicans at Central Michigan University are apologizing after one of the gift bags they distributed for Valentine's Day included a photograph of Adolf Hitler and the line “my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews" [sic].
A post on the group's Facebook page said that it didn't know how the message ended up in one of its gift bags. The statement said, "At tonight’s College Republican meeting, we had a Valentine’s Day party, in which each member decorated a bag and other members placed valentines inside of others’ bags. Unfortunately, a very inappropriate card was placed into a bag without other members’ knowledge. A bag was then given away to students sitting in Anspach [the building housing the departments of English; history; journalism; philosophy and religion; political science; and sociology, anthropology and social work], once again without members’ knowledge of its contents. The College Republicans as an organization did not distribute this valentine. We in no way condone this type of rhetoric or anti-Semitism. We apologize for any offense, and want students to know that we do not tolerate this sort of behavior."