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In May, the University of Southern California announced that C. L. Max Nikias would step down as president, amid anger over how he and other university leaders responded (or failed to respond to a growing scandal over abuse of students by a campus gynecologist, George Tyndall, and other incidents in which the university is perceived to have failed to act on misconduct by powerful officials. The university said that an "orderly transition" was about to start.

But hundreds of faculty members have signed a petition asking why Nikias is still in office, and no announcements have been made about his departure or a search for a new president, The Los Angeles Times reported. “We find ourselves in a state of turmoil and uncertainty,” the petition says. “President Nikias cannot be the one who stands up to greet new students at the Convocation.”

A university spokesman declined to tell the newspaper anything about the status of Nikias or whether a search committee had been created.