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Adults with a degree after high school are far less likely to be unemployed or underemployed than are their peers who lack such a credential, a new federal report affirms.

The brief report, "Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Labor Underutilization," shows that nearly a quarter (23 percent) of Americans aged 25 to 64 who have a high school degree were either unemployed (13 percent), involuntarily working part-time (6 percent) or involuntarily working on a temporary basis (4 percent), while 16 percent of those with an associate degree, 14 percent of those with a bachelor's degree and 13 percent of those with a graduate or professional degree fell into one of those three categories. More than a third of Americans without a high school degree were un- or underemployed.

In another measure, Americans with a college degree made up about 38 percent of the country's unemployed and underemployed population, while those with a high school degree or less made up more than half (53 percent).