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Inside Higher Ed today is releasing our newest special report, "Success at Scale: Strategies to Improve Outcomes for Underserved Students."

"Success at Scale" explores the strategies and solutions institutions are using to improve student outcomes. Some are well-known but little understood. Others are small in nature but show great promise. In particular, this report studies the efforts of community colleges and regional public universities, which are the workhorses of higher education and whose share of the total student population pie is inversely proportional to the news media attention they typically receive.

The stakes are high for creating financially sustainable reforms. It’s our hope that this report will apprise readers of the hard work needed to follow promising reforms with fidelity rather than fall victim to their simpler, ersatz versions. College leaders may be familiar with strong reform models for improving student success, but they risk taking shortcuts without greater awareness of the complexities that lie ahead.

This special report is available for purchase here; you may also download a free preview of the report. We invite you to sign up for a webcast on the themes of the report on Monday, Dec. 9, at 2 p.m. Eastern.