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The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice and Believe in Students have released a report covering the results of a survey on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on current college students.

Nearly 60 percent of student survey respondents said they experienced insecurity of basic needs in the 30 days prior to taking the survey. Broken down by race, 71 percent of black students, 65 percent of Hispanic students and 52 percent of white students said they were experiencing basic-needs insecurity.

One-third of students who were working before the pandemic said they had lost a job.

Of respondents at four-year colleges, 15 percent said they were currently experiencing homelessness due to the pandemic when they took the survey.

Half of respondents said they experienced moderate anxiety, and a similar share said they could not focus on academics during the pandemic.

The survey was completed by 38,602 student respondents attending 54 colleges and universities in 26 states. Thirty-nine of the colleges were two-year colleges, and 15 were four-year colleges. Over 30,000 of the survey respondents attended two-year colleges.

The survey was conducted April 20 to May 15, with a response rate of 6.7 percent.