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Faculty and staff at Hillsdale College, a conservative Christian college in Michigan, received some of the first COVID-19 vaccines available after the college’s science department lent its ultra-cold refrigerator to the local hospital for vaccine storage, Kaiser Health News reported.

After receiving more doses of the Pfizer vaccine than expected, Hillsdale Hospital hosted a vaccine clinic to which it invited higher education employees, including employees of a local beauty college, despite the fact that higher education workers were not among the state-recommended priority groups eligible for the vaccine. More than 200 Hillsdale employees received shots.

Jeremiah J. Hodshire, the hospital’s president and CEO, said “there was no quid pro quo” for the use of the refrigerator. But the prioritization of Hillsdale employees for early vaccine doses has raised eyebrows in light of the fact that Hillsdale’s leaders have opposed Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer’s closure of in-person classes. The college hosted an in-person graduation last spring in defiance of restrictions on large gatherings.